Do you ever find yourself short on time when making dinner? Yet you don’t want to compromise preparing a healthy meal for the convenience of a packaged entrée. When considering what to make in a pinch try a one-dish meal. By combining simple ingredients into one pot or pan you can prepare a healthy and delicious meal.
Your one dish can be a skillet, a roasting pan or a sauté pan. If you keep lean meats and fresh veggies on hand it’s easy to prepare a balanced meal. Pork chops, chicken breasts or thighs and salmon are great lean proteins for a one-dish meal. Sweet potatoes, squash, onions, Brussel sprouts, green beans, broccoli or cauliflower are some of the best vegetables for roasting with marinated meat. One-dish meals are the perfect quick healthy fix. These protein and vegetable-based combinations can also be made in advance. If you pre-chop veggies and meat you can let them sit together in a marinade for a day, then your meal is ready for cooking right when you walk in the door.