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Cooking for One 

Whether you live alone or you have different food preferences than your family, it can be difficult to be creative in the kitchen when you are only making meals for yourself. However, with the right tips and tools, it can be possible to cook up delicious single-serving meals that will help eliminate food waste and endless leftovers. Here are five tips that will help liven up any meal plan.  

  1. Use one ingredient in different ways. When you cook a batch of rice, quinoa or any ancient grain don’t be afraid to use a half cup for a savory side dish, another half cup mixed into a salad or some cooked grains with sautéed vegetables in a stir fry.  
  2. Go to the bulk bins to customize quantities. Although the bulk bins are called “bulk” they also allow you to select small portions of unique seeds, grains, nuts, and flour.  
  3. Planning is key. To avoid wandering down the aisles and grabbing what looks good, meal planning can provide focus at the grocery store.  
  4. Frozen fruit and veggies are great options. Use frozen fruit for smoothies or oatmeal. Utilize what you need then put the rest back in the freezer.  
  5. Go to the seafood and meat counter. Instead of purchasing big packages of meat or fish, you can simply get one pork chop, one fish filet or one chicken breast. 

When cooking single-serving meals you should prioritize making balanced and colorful options. Whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner delicious vegetable and protein-based selections can leave you feeling full and satisfied all day long.

Making the Perfect Picnic Lunch

When the weather is beautiful it seems only fitting to plan a picnic. Whether you’re heading out on a sunny day for lunch or planning a meal under the stars, here are a few simple tips to make your picnic relaxing and enjoyable.

  1. Plan a menu. There are no right and wrong foods to bring to a picnic but it’s certainly more convenient to plan dishes that travel well and can be made in advance. Try to avoid foods that need a lot of cutting or extra utensils. Ideally, plan finger foods and items that just need a fork. Veggie pasta salads and fruit salad are healthy examples of items that can be packed in a reusable container and easily transported. Nuts are great portable snacks to bring along. Plus, they don’t crush as easily as chips.  Try these recipes:

Picnic Pasta Salad

Honey Lime Fruit Salad

  1. Do your prep work at home. Planning to chop vegetables or fruit at your picnic site can get complicated and messy. Once your food is prepared arrange your containers and beverages that need to go in a cooler together. Bringing a cooler bag or small insulated tote can make transporting your items easier. Have a separate canvas bag for dry goods and food that can be kept at room temperature.
  2. Skip disposable packaging if possible. It’s more environmentally friendly to bring reusable plates and cutlery. Use parchment and twine for sandwiches versus plastic wrap and throwaway containers. Cloth napkins can add colorful practicality to outdoor dining. Sustainable packaging is also an attractive way to display your foods.
  3. Bring a few simple supplies to be comfortable and festive. A blanket, a few throw pillows (if desired), and a small tray or wood cutting board so you have a flat surface to set cups and plates. When you arrive at your picnic area place your tray or cutting board in the middle to act as a makeshift table.
  4. Enjoy your surroundings. Picnics can take place anywhere. You can be in your backyard, the local park, lakefront or oceanfront. Just be sure to stop and take a moment to enjoy the people and nature surrounding you.

Courtesy of Best Choice Brand

DIY Items with Baking Soda

Baking soda is a very versatile product that can be used for baking, cleaning and DIY projects. Here are three of our favorite ways to use baking soda. Each can be presented as a gift to your friends and family.


1 1/4 cup of Always Save baking soda
1 tablespoon of Always Save cornstarch
2/3 cup of water
3-4 drops of your favorite essential oils (such as Lavender/Peppermint)

Muffin tin
12 muffin liners

Prepare a muffin tin with 12 muffin liners.
Mix the baking soda and cornstarch with water until you have a thick paste. Slowly add the water as you might need more to create the thick paste. Pour the paste until the muffin tin is about 1/4 full. Place these in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees. Allow them to cool and add essential oils. Share with your friends as gifts or just enjoy in the shower.


1 1/4 cups Always Save baking soda
1/4- 1/2 cup water
8 drops of your favorite essential oil

Create a paste with the three ingredients in a bowl. Add to a silicone mold and allow it to dry for 2-3 days until completely hard. Remove from the mold and place it in your refrigerator.


6-7 TBSP Best Choice Coconut Oil
4-5 TBSP Always Save Cornstarch
2-4 TBSP Always Save Baking Soda
1.5 oz- 2 oz of Shea butter or cocoa butter
6 drops of essential oils

Melt the Shea or cocoa butter over a double boiler.  Once the butter has melted add in the other ingredients.  Stir occasionally with a craft stick or coffee stick. Add the mixture to the mold and let cool. You can place it in the fridge to speed up the cooling process.

Courtesy of Always Save brand

Kitchen Spring Cleaning

As warmer days settle in many people start to think about spring cleaning. One room in the house that greatly benefits from the proper organization and de-junking is the kitchen. A tidy well-organized pantry and fridge can help make daily tasks more healthful, simple and more efficient. Allowing more time to go outside in Mother Nature enjoying the newfound sunshine.

Here are three simple tips for spring cleaning the kitchen.

  1. Arrange like items together. Whether it’s the fridge or the pantry try to keep items organized in food groups or by usage. Oils, vinegars, sauce, and dressings go well together, while produce and fresh whole foods store nicely together in the refrigerator.
  2. Toss dry ingredients that you’ve had for more than a year. After a while, canned goods, spices, baking soda, noodles, and oils need a refresh.
  3. Give the shelves a solid clean. Meaning, wipe down the refrigerator, pantry shelves, cabinets, and storage areas. Clear away excess grime, crumbs and spillage. Natural cleansers (see below) such as vinegar and water can help make kitchen surfaces shine.

Here is a simple all purpose cleaner recipe.

Natural All-Purpose Cleanser:

  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 lemon rind wedges
  • 1 rosemary spring

Combine ingredients in a spray bottle. Shake well then let sit for at least 1 week. All-Purpose Cleaner works great on most bathtubs, toilets, shower walls, and plastic item

Growing Your Own Greens

The cool mornings and sunny afternoons of spring make an ideal growing season for leafy greens. This salad staple is easy to grow even if you have a busy lifestyle. Lettuce adapts well to container gardening, so you can grow your veggies in a sunny spot in your kitchen. All lettuce requires is moist soil in a pot that drains well, and a nice window seat so it can catch lots of sun.

When harvesting your lettuce cut the outside leaves of each bunch, but leave the inner foliage so it can keep producing more greens. After harvesting your lettuce rinse the leaves in cold water to keep them crisp. Whether you start your lettuce from seed or transplant have fun enjoying the colorful harvest.

Signs Of Spring

As the tulips start to sprout from the ground they cause us to take note of the delightful transition into Spring. It’s refreshing to see all the sights and sounds of Spring budding around us. It’s also refreshing to see a new lineup of fresh fruits and vegetables at your local grocery store. The extra sunshine and warm weather bring in a whole host of new foods to pick from to liven up your meal plan.

My favorite spring veggies are sugar snap peas. They add a nice crisp crunch to a salad and they are sweet and delicious eaten by themselves. Asparagus is also another family favorite, it goes great scrambled with eggs in the morning. Other seasonal foods include arugula, rhubarb, strawberries, radishes and all varieties of sweet peas. Next time you’re at the store take advantage of the quality and freshness of Spring’s seasonal produce.

Colorful Plate

We all know we should eat a balanced diet. However, it’s difficult to know what that looks like on your plate every day. One possible guide to good nutrition is focusing on having a colorful plate at each meal. This mantra has been a guide in many diet programs over the years. Health professionals believe that to reap the most benefits from fruits and vegetables we should consume at least one daily serving from each of the five main color groups: blue/purple, green, white, yellow/orange and red.

Blue and purple foods include nutritious items such as blueberries, grapes, eggplant, blackberries, and prunes. Green foods could be leafy greens, spinach, kiwi and honeydew melon. The white color group includes cauliflower, onions, garlic, banana, pears, and potatoes. Yellow and orange options are carrots, oranges, pineapple, peaches, sweet potato, pumpkin, and cantaloupe. Red foods include tomatoes, raspberries, red apples, and watermelon. Now just imagine a daily meal plan with foods from each of these color groups paired with lean meats and fish. Focusing on having a colorful plate is a great guide for consuming a balanced diet with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Festive St. Patrick’s Day Foods

Whether or not you have Irish roots St. Patrick’s Day seems to draw most people into a state of celebration around green beer and corned beef. Although these are St. Paddy’s Day originals here are a few other festive and healthy ways to enjoy this Irish holiday.

Try our Shamrock Smoothie. This green minty drink is where healthy meets indulgence. The vibrant green color comes from Mother Nature – Spinach! However, the added sweetness from bananas and dark chocolate make the smoothie seem like dessert.

Potatoes are an Irish staple. Try this simple sweet potato recipe for a fun and delicious way to roast any kind of spud. Organic sweet potatoes are a filling and nutritious way to balance out any meal, any time of year.

Stay hydrated with mint or lime infused water. Sticking with the green theme is the essence of St. Patrick’s Day so keep yourself hydrated after your green beer with fresh mint water. Limes and oranges are also great citrus add ins that make water refreshing and easy to drink.

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has long been recognized as a healthy treat. As many American’s have savored this festive indulgence on Valentine’s Day or celebrate National Chocolate Lover’s Month, it’s good to know what the standards are surrounding dark chocolate health benefits. To get the most antioxidant benefits from cocoa beans it’s best to pick chocolate with 70% or higher cocoa content. A higher cocoa percentage typically means the product is lower in sugar and is associated with heart health benefits.

Another tip for purchasing healthy dark chocolate is to look at the ingredient list. Look for cocoa, or a form of cocoa, as the first ingredient. Also avoid dark chocolate that contains trans fat, artificial flavors or high amounts of sugar. It’s also wise to look for fair trade organic chocolate. This kind of chocolate is usually more ethically sourced and pesticide-free. Visit the Clearly Organic blog for a homemade chocolate recipe this month.

Seasonal Foods In February

When you think of what’s in season the month of February your mind might wander to dark chocolate, gummy shaped hearts and red velvet cake. Although these foods are mighty tasty they are not going to provide us the nourishment our bodies need all month long. Surprisingly February offers a wide variety of vegetables that often get forgotten and overlooked in the produce department.

Leeks are at their peak in January and February. Don’t be intimidated by this large green onion looking vegetable. It has a nice mellow flavor that goes great in soups, casseroles and vegetarian dishes. Winter greens such as kale, endive, collards, and chard are perfect options for a unique texture and flavor in salads and wraps. The Clearly Organic blog has a colorful and delicious recipe for a collard green wrap.

Once you try a beet prepared well I promise you’ll go back for more. Beets are also an intimidating vegetable that most people don’t think to purchase on a regular basis. However, February is a great time to try our roasted beet recipe. They are simple and delicious.